
A mad scientist accidentally creates a potion causing continuous shrinking.

The player must mix chemicals to create an antidote within X seconds. 

Put the potions in the pot in given order (Top to Bottom) to complete the potion recipe.

The lab's environment becomes increasingly challenging as the scientist shrinks.


Movement: WASD keys for navigation.

Jump: [Space] to jump on platforms

Object Interaction: RMB to aim and LMB to pick objects, hold and drag the objects using LMB and release to drop

Information: Press [TAB] to check out potion effect on you

Potion Effects: Each potion has its effect which can harm the player or they can use it to their advantage.

HINT: There are hidden compartments, you might need to find the trigger present in room to open the door to it.

P.S. - Beware of red potion!! It will explode in your hand and can't be recovered.


I would like to thank all my Team members without them this project wouldn't be possible! 

Abhisekh Tripathi - Project Leader/Level Designer

JotaroKujo - Game Designer/Unity Programmer

Kada Xuanwu - Unity Programmer

DaiBreaker - Game Designer/Unity Programmer

Luck - Unity Programmer

Zmand - Audio Designer

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